In-depth employment analysis by the European social partners - BusinessEurope, CEEP, ETUC and UEAPME
Eight years after their first joint analysis, the EU social partners – BusinessEurope, CEEP, ETUC and UEAPME – provided key recommendations to address challenges stemming from the crisis and structural issues. Those recommendations, presented at a press conference on 14 July, include the potential of social dialogue to deliver growth and employment, the need to address Europe's weakness in terms of job creation, the need to foster productivity and the importance of fighting inequalities and poverty. The aim is to mobilise the European social dialogue to deliver more growth, more jobs, taking diverse economic and social situations across Europe into account. With their work programme 2015-2017, the EU social partners have laid the basis for a new partnership. With the new employment analysis, they have a strong basis to put this partnership into action.