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Sustainability and corporate social responsibility

Business plays a key role in the development of society, not the least in offering jobs, but also in providing innovative solutions to major societal and environmental challenges, such as sustainable transport, eco-efficient products, promoting a healthy lifestyle or diversity at the workplace, often working together with stakeholders.

The broad ownership and development of sustainability and CSR amongst European companies continues to flourish.

Competitiveness and sustainability are not in opposition. In fact, there is evidence that where EU companies are relatively advanced in this field, they can have easier access to finance, and/or this can be a competitive advantage for them on international markets.

Europe must approach sustainability and CSR policies in line with its need to remain globally competitive, including in the implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. It should be about encouraging and supporting sustainability in a partnership approach with companies and the relevant stakeholders. Policy intervention should focus on areas where it is needed and can effectively bring added value.

The key challenge for EU CSR policy is ensuring that it promotes further voluntary uptake and development of CSR by companies, whilst allowing them the flexibility to continue to shape their own CSR approach according to their specific circumstances and the needs of their stakeholders.


Position papers Date
EU sustainable finance - BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029 10/07/2024
Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) - European Commission consultation - a BusinessEurope position paper 20/12/2023
Draft act on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) - BusinessEurope assessment for the public consultation 07/07/2023
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) - Joint business statement 25/05/2023
Taxonomy Environmental Delegated Act and revised Climate Delegated Act - BusinessEurope comments in reply to the public consultation 04/05/2023
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board Consultation - BusinessEurope response to Survey 2 (Surveys 3A - 3D) 22/07/2022
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board Consultation - BusinessEurope response to Survey 1 (Survey 1A - 1C, 2) 22/07/2022
Roadmap for the next decade - Building blocks for realizing UNGPs implementation toward 2030 - Input from the IOE, BIAC and BUSINESSEUROPE 20/09/2021
Corporate sustainability reporting directive - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/07/2021
Taxonomy disclosure obligations - Draft Art. 8 Delegated Act - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 02/06/2021
Potential extension of the taxonomy regulation to social aspects - a BusinessEurope position paper 21/05/2021
Reporting requirements under the Taxonomy Regulation (Art.8) - BusinessEurope comments 22/02/2021
Sustainability reporting - BusinessEurope reply to the IFRS Foundation Trustees consultation paper 20/01/2021
Second revised binding treaty on business and human rights - Joint paper of the IOE, BIAC and BUSINESSEUROPE 07/10/2020
Revision of the non-financial reporting directive - BusinessEurope's response to the public consultation 05/06/2020
Joint business response to the revised Draft legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises ("Revised Draft Treaty") 11/10/2019
Joint business response to the Zero Draft legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises ("Zero Draft Treaty") 18/10/2018
Press releases Date
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: BusinessEurope reacts to the Council adoption 24/05/2024
Agreement on EU due diligence: still far from a workable solution 15/03/2024
EU due diligence could leave companies between a rock and a hard place 12/12/2023
EU’s due diligence rules must be workable for companies and must not weaken the internal market 07/09/2023
EP vote on the corporate sustainability due diligence directive: The European Parliament failed to deliver workable due diligence rules 01/06/2023
Public letters Date
Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act on gas and nuclear activities - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Members of the European Parliament 23/06/2022
Consultation of business organisations on an EU comprehensive framework for business and human rights - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to the European External Action Service (EEAS) 01/06/2022
Taxonomy reporting - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Mairead McGuinness 06/12/2021
Taxonomy Regulation Article 8 Delegated Act - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Peter Power 30/06/2021
Climate-related aspects in the non-binding guidelines on non-financial reporting - Letter from Rebekah Smith to Alain Deckers, DG FISMA 22/05/2019


Maxime Cerutti

+32 2 237 65 30

Isaline Ossieur

+32 2 237 65 37
Last updated: 15 January 2019