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EU-CELAC summit: need to renew ties between the two regions

The third EU-CELAC summit brought together in Brussels leaders from the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on 17-18 July. Speaking at the Business Round Table, BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson highlighted our strong support to strengthening ties with the CELAC region and the importance of moving forward with trade agreements with Chile, Mexico and Mercosur.

“Trade agreements can facilitate economic exchanges, reducing the cost of doing business through the elimination of tariffs and reduction of non-tariff barriers. They are also fundamental to promote ambitious environmental and social standards that favour more inclusive and sustainable trade”, he said.

If the EU-Mercosur agreement is taken forward, it will create one of the largest free trading areas in the world, covering nearly a quarter of global economy and 31% of the world’s goods exports.

Last updated: 19 July 2023