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Discussing TTIP at the EESC and the Walloon Parliament

A dedicated energy chapter in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is important from an economic and strategic point of view. Not only EU companies depend on open raw material and energy markets to be able to source at competitive prices, but access to secure, reliable and competitive energy sources is also in Europe’s strategic interest. This was part of BUSINESSEUROPE's message at the European Economic and Social Committee on 21 June, when we also highlighted the importance of setting a good precedent for future trade partners having a similar interest in energy-related issues and of promoting specific energy rules that could be taken up at plurilateral/multilateral level. In a debate at the Walloon Parliament on 23 June, BUSINESSEUROPE defended the benefits of a comprehensive and ambitious TTIP as a way of creating new opportunities for companies but also for workers and consumers that can all benefit from a more open, predictable and transparent transatlantic market.

Last updated: 23 June 2016