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On 2 October, we brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to address a pressing question: How can the EU achieve its ambitious climate and energy targets while remaining internationally competitive? 

In a fireside chat with Euronews journalist Angela Barnes, our President Fredrik Persson delved into the findings of our in-depth study conducted in collaboration with Compass Lexecon. “We did not want to question the 2050 climate neutrality target. The study was modelling an ‘optimistic’ scenario and ‘politics-as-usual' scenario for the green transition. And both of these scenarios reach climate neutrality, but at different costs to society and companies”, he stated. Persson pointed out that even in the optimistic scenario, by 2050, energy costs in Europe could still be at least 50% higher than those in the US, China, and India. - Read more



In a new position paper, we stress that the EU must use the new legislative cycle to reboot its trade agenda. To rebalance the focus placed in recent years on its defensive toolkit, the EU must develop an ambitious diversification strategy.


Welcoming the much-anticipated report on the future of the EU’s competitiveness, presented today by Professor Mario Draghi, BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson said:

"We welcome the release of this comprehensive report and extend our gratitude to Professor Draghi and his team for the extensive work. The report will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping future EU strategies and policies.

A stark and alarming conclusion of the report is that the European Union is lagging behind its global competitors – a reality that European companies experience daily. We fully endorse the call for a frank and urgent discussion on the disruptive measures the EU must adopt to regain its competitive edge. BusinessEurope has long advocated for a reboot in European policies as we enter the next institutional cycle." - Read more


After years of consecutive crises, European businesses find themselves at a structural disadvantage vis-à-vis global competitors as a consequence of high energy prices, a mounting regulatory burden, and limited financing opportunities. While the global economy grew by 3.2% in 2023, the EU economy stagnated in real terms in the same year, as 10 member states saw their economy contract. The strong performance of the EU’s services sector contrasts with industry, as industrial production across the EU declined by 1.8% in 2023 and the vast majority of member states saw their industrial output decline by up to 12.1% compared to the previous year. In 2024, our latest Spring Economic Outlook expects the EU economy to grow by 1.2% in 2024, compared with an expected 5% growth in China and 2.6% in the US. - Read more


Discover our position paper for an insightful look into better regulation within the EU. We outline key objectives, principles and tools, and offer strategic recommendations to strengthen political commitment across EU institutions. BusinessEurope strongly supports the EU´s better regulation agenda as a safeguard of democratic decision-making. It is about enhancing the quality of policy and law-making and ensuring the legitimacy and accountability of EU governance. - Read the position paper



Working with Compass Lexecon, we evaluated how Europe can meet its climate and energy targets in the most cost-effective manner while maintaining international competitiveness. Timely and strategic political decisions will be crucial. Watch our video to know more.

EU’s path to decarbonising without deindustrialising
Video messages
Business calls for a proactive, creative and forward-looking EU trade agenda
Press releases
Welcoming Draghi report, we call for urgent action to restore the EU’s competitive edge
Reports and studies
Preserving Europe's industrial base must be at the forefront of the next EU Cycle
Position papers
Better regulation in the new EU legislature
Reports and studies
How will the EU energy system's transition towards 2050 impact competitiveness?

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to Europe’s prosperity and competitiveness, which were identified as the n°1 priority for the EU by European Commission President von der Leyen. Despite their significance to job creation and wealth generation, SMEs have encountered a range...

Happening every year in October, (calendar week 43), the European Week for Safety and Health at Work is a highlight of every Healthy Workplaces Campaign. With hundreds of awareness-raising events taking place across the EU and beyond. Organised by...

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly known as COP29, will be the 29th United Nations Climate Change conference. COP29, under the motto "In solidarity with a green world", will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan....

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Ibec Europe & Global Focus Summer Edition 2024

Priorities for the next institutional cycle 2024-2029

The Leader’s Gambit: a guide for decision-making

Free trade agreement with India: a milestone for Swiss foreign trade

A stronger Europe in the world - FEB’s priorities for Europe’s 2024-2029 legislative session

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